A New Canvas

It's been a long time since I've had a blog – and I've never had a personal blog.

Lockdown and furlough in the UK since March has left me with a good deal of time to carry out plenty of life admin. I've spent far too much money on Apple products, got new bits and bobs for the house, reconnected with old friends.

There's been plenty of time for reflection. The most striking realisation came today, when I decided it was time to clear out my Gmail account for the first time in fifteen years. I got rid of over 75,000 e-mails, but there were plenty of messages from 2008 that brought back plenty of memories. Worst of all, I was an insufferable prick. To those who know me today, and are already protesting at this, trust me – I was much more of a prick then.

Plenty has been kept in, over the years. 2020 seems like a good time to get things off my chest. After all, given how the year has been going, how much worse could I make it?

Some of it will likely be political rants, some self-reflective, some the things that make me happy (yes, I do smile). Let's see how it goes.
